With more than 122 million people, a significant amount of sunshine, and high electricity costs, Mexico represents a key emerging solar market for RER.
Last year, Carla Ortiz joined RER Energy Group. A native of Mexico, Carla most recently was with the New Business department of Abilia, the real estate development brand of a Mexican private equity firm. She managed the financial evaluation of potential real estate projects, which led to an accepted portfolio of projects valued at more than $500M USD.
Her native roots and savvy business acumen were just what RER was looking for to fully understand the potential of this relatively untapped market.
“While theoretically there is a great opportunity for solar in Mexico, we wanted to ensure we had the right people on the ground to navigate the sometimes enormous hurdles it takes to do business in another country,” says Jim Kurtz, President of RER. Setting up legal business entities, getting the proper insurance and permitting–these can all be daunting tasks if one does not have outstanding talent when opening in a foreign market.”
After 77 years of an energy monopoly run by Pemex, Mexico is looking to more fully exploit its renewable and more traditional energy assets and is looking for outside funding and exploration to do so. While Pemex will still be a “state-owned productive company,” these new opportunities have brought forward-thinking companies to the doorstep and RER seeks to participate in this potentially amazing growth market.
“It is an exciting time to be in the Mexican solar market,” says Carla Ortiz, Director of Mexico Operations for RER Energy Group. “We have a new set of national energy reforms that will further spur the burgeoning solar industry. While we certainly see challenges in the market as some of the policy details are worked out, we view this market as challenging but promising.”
“We are thrilled to begin operations in the heart of Mexico City during these historic times,” Ortiz adds. “Our goal is to help boost the growing solar industry in this country with our innovative project development solutions, transparency in the way we conduct our business, and a verifiable history of client satisfaction.”
If you would like to schedule some time to discuss a project, our new address is:
Presidente Masaryk 61
Colonia Polanco Chapultepec
Miguel Hidalgo
DF 11560
To reach Carla Ortiz, please email cortiz@rerenergygroup.com.