Aerzen USA Corporation

Project Brief:

Aerzen USA Corporation is a German based company and world-wide leader in their blower and compressor lines. They chose RER to develop, build, and 100% finance a solar array for their innovative Gold LEED certified factory located in Pennsylvania. In addition to supporting their desire to reduce their plant’s carbon foot print, progressive, community-anchored financing enabled them to put the array in place with no up-front investment, generating first year – and every year – cash flow savings.


“We’re very happy with our solar array. We are meeting our goals for electric production, and it enables us to have the smallest environmental footprint possible. Jim’s team was creative in trying to find a solution to fit our needs, and they came up with a solution in alignment with our way of thinking.”

Pierre Noack




  • System Size: 205.8 kW
  • Hanwha 245 Watt Modules
  • SatCon PowerGate Plus Inverters
  • Schletter Racking
  • RER Community PPA Financing